

12D11N Legacy Of The Incas (SP)

Calendar? Astronomy? Alien artwork? None of the above. But the discovery of Peru’s Nazca Lines gave a whole new meaning to drawing a line in the sand. Flightseeing is the best way to see these massive geoglyphs etched into the desert— where the ancient Nazca people likely performed spiritual ceremonies. From the Lost City of the Incas surrounded by the peaks of the Andes to the floating Uros Islands on the highest lake in the world, this holiday to Peru leads you to great heights while also going to greater depths to illuminate its archaeological, historical, and cultural wonders. In addition to two days of exploration at the mysterious and magical ruins of Machu Picchu, you’ll also visit the Sillustani pre-Incan burial ground, cruise to the wildlife paradise of the Ballestas Islands, and frolic through the wonders of colonial and culinary Lima as well as the Inca capital, Cusco.

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