7D6N Local Living Ecuador: Amazon Jungle (SEJL)

Price from
MYR4160 per person
7 Days
  • Includes
  • Itinerary
  • Tour Highlights
  • Price & Dates
  • Hotels
The Amazon Rainforest is so full of life; embrace it for yourself during a week unlike any other. From Quito, you’ll travel to your new home in the jungle and meet the Quichua family who will host you in their village for the next four nights. Discover waterfalls on jungle walks and travel to an animal rescue centre by canoe. You’ll learn about medicinal plants and how to use a blowgun, experience a shaman ceremony, and walk to a jungle waterfall. Most importantly, you’ll befriend people few outsiders have the honour to even meet.

What's included

Departure Location
Return Location
Kuala Lumpur
Tour Validity

from Now till June 17, 2023

Additional Information
Tour Deal: ~ Physical Rating: 3 - Average : Some tours may include light hiking, biking, rafting, or kayaking in addition to walking.
Price includes
  • ~ 6 nights' accommodation
  • ~ All transport between destinations and to / from included activities.
  • ~ Attractions as per itinerary
Price does not include
  • ~ International air ticket
  • ~ Travel insurance
  • ~ Tipping
  • ~ Others not mentioned
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
  • Day 7
Day 1


Arrive at any time.

Day 2

Quito - Tena

Travel by bus and truck into the Amazon Jungle. Spend the next 4 nights in rustic wooden huts with a local Quichua family in their small village. Walk to a viewpoint and get a natural mud face mask treatment.

Day 3


Guided walk to a waterfall then return home for a cacao culinary experience and tasting. Learn about medicinal plants on an afternoon jungle walk.

Day 4


Morning car and canoe ride to the amaZOOnico Animal Rescue Centre. Free time in the afternoon to relax in the jungle.

Day 5


Visit the local community in the morning and experience a shamanic healing ceremony and a mock jungle marriage ceremony. Later, cycle to the nearby community of Shandia and discover the beauty of the Amazon with a member of the community as your guide.

Day 6

Tena - Quito

Enjoy a blowgun demonstration and participate in a contest to show off new found skills. Say goodbye to your Quichua family, then travel back to Quito.

Day 7


Depart at any time.

~ Live like a local in the Amazon Rainforest.
~ Learn Quichua traditions by interacting with your local hosts.
~ Visit an animal rescue centre and hone your blowgun skills.

Jan 2023: 7 RM4160
Feb 2023: 11 RM4160
Mar 2023: 11 & 25 RM4160
Apr 2023: 8 & 22 RM4160
May 2023: 20 RM4307
Jun 2023: 17 RM4405
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7D6N Local Living Ecuador: Amazon Jungle (SEJL)

MYR4160 per person
7 Days

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